- The Scholar
As a scholar, Reuben does not only teach but he conducts research mainly in mediatized realities, Apologetics, music and social justice. He has peer reviewed for the “Thought and Practice” Journal of Philosophy published by the University of Nairobi and more recently spent time as a visiting scholar at the Nagel Institute of Calvin University in grand Rapids, Michigan. He hopes to graduate next July with a PhD in world Christianity, majoring on music and social justice. Kigame has taught short courses at Daystar University, Wapo Mission in Dar es Salaam, and continues as a doctoral teaching fellow at Africa International University where he teaches Philosophy of Religion, apologetics and Church History to Postgraduate students and helps them with their projects. His published papers and book chapters are available online.

Besides having participated in reviewing for University of Nairobi’s Journal of Philosophy called “thought and Practice,” Reuben has recently been involved in several lectureships in defense of interdisciplinary writing and research and the place of neutrosophic thinking in Christian theology.
He has made significant contribution by writing chapters in a variety of publications just to name a few:
- Tolerance and Development in Africa: A Look at Ethnicity, Xenophobia and Religious Conflict, appearing as chapter 10 in “Values, Identity, and Sustainable Development in Africa” edited by Ezra Chitando and Eunice Kamara.: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
- Pulpit English in Kenya: Examples of Mediatized Sermons in Kenya. Reuben Kigame and Leonora Anyango, appearing as chapter 9 in “Kenyan English: Domains of Use, Forms and Users’ Attitudes” edited by Martha M. Michieka and Evans Mecha.Lexington Books, 2021.
- The Impact of Covid-19 on Kenya’s Music Industry: Challenges and Opportunities,” for Copyright News, a quarterly publication by the Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO).
- 13th February, 2020 – Submitted a book chapter to the Christian and Scientific Association of Kenya (CSAK) titled: From conflict to consensus: Towards a Neutrosophic Convergence of Science and Religion in African Cosmology
- 14th to 16th August 2019—Presented a paper titled “The Future of the Family in the face of Scientific and Technological Advancements” at the Christian and Scientific Association of Kenya’s (CSAK) regional workshop on the Integration of Science, Religion and Culture in Africa: Past, Present and Future Perspectives.
- 17th Dec. 2018 – submitted a book chapter titled “The Earth: Young or Old” in partnership with Prof. Donald Otieno and Mr. Alfred Otieno of the University of Eldoret to the Christian and Scientific Association of Kenya Eldoret Chapter.